Hugo Diaz Apps

Utaxi 1.0
Hugo Diaz
Utaxi app, Transportation service app. Get a Taxi & CarService! No phone call is necessary – few taps and your cab is onits way, and you can get immediate service and track your driver inreal-time, and pay your trips cashless via the app. And estimatedtime of arrival. Price quotes let you know in advance, what yourride will cost you! And no 3,4 or 5x charge at the rush hour,nights and weekend. ◉ We always assign the nearest taxi to pick youup. ◉ Utaxi have a network with many taxi company's ◉ Driver havemany years of experience. ◉ Rating system helps select best taxisonly. ◉ providing taxi service in all major cities in USA, andother country's. ◉ you can count on us for your next ride, fast,safe and easy to use. CREATE AN ACCOUNT, Sign up and startrequesting a ride with Utaxi app, servicio de transporte.¡Obtenga un servicio de Taxi! No es necesaria ninguna llamadatelefónica: pocos clics y su taxi están en camino, y puede obtenerservicio inmediato y rastrear a su conductor en tiempo real, ypagar sus viajes sin efectivo a través de la aplicación. Puede verla llegada del conductor. Cotizaciones de precios le permiten saberde antemano, lo que su viaje le costará! Y no 3,4 o 5x cargo en lahora de tráfico, noches y fin de semanas. ◉ Siempre asignamos eltaxi más cercano para recogerlo. ◉ Utaxi tiene una red con muchascompañías de taxis ◉ El conductor tienen muchos años deexperiencia. ◉ El sistema de clasificación ayuda a seleccionar sólolos mejores taxis. ◉ proporcionar servicio de taxi en todas lasprincipales ciudades de EE.UU., y otros países. ◉ puede contar connosotros para su próximo viaje, rápido, seguro y fácil de usar.CREAR UNA CUENTA, Regístrate y empieza a solicitar tu servicio deTaxi.
UTaxi Driver 1.1
Hugo Diaz
Utaxi. Transportation service app.Get a Taxi & Car Service! No phone call is necessary – fewtapsand your cab is on its way, and you can get immediate serviceandtrack your driver in real-time, and pay your trips cashless viatheapp. And estimated time of arrival. Price quotes let you knowinadvance, what your ride will cost you! And no 3,4 or 5x chargeatthe rush hour, nights and weekend.◉ We always assign the nearest taxi to pick you up.◉ Utaxi have a network with many taxi company's◉ Driver have many years of experience.◉ Rating system helps select best taxis only.◉ providing taxi service in all major cities in USA, andothercountry's.◉ you can count on us for your next ride, fast, safe and easytouse.CREATE AN ACCOUNT, Sign up and start requesting a